[Samba] Cannot find invalid DNS entry
Tim Dittler
2016-07-27 11:35:40 UTC

when I run
samba_dnsupdate --verbose --all-names -d10
all: 10
tdb: 10
printdrivers: 10
lanman: 10
smb: 10
rpc_parse: 10
rpc_srv: 10
rpc_cli: 10
passdb: 10
sam: 10
auth: 10
winbind: 10
vfs: 10
idmap: 10
quota: 10
acls: 10
locking: 10
msdfs: 10
dmapi: 10
registry: 10
scavenger: 10
dns: 10
ldb: 10
lpcfg_load: refreshing parameters from /etc/samba/smb.conf
Processing section [retained]
pm_process() returned Yes
added interface brem1 ip= bcast= netmask=
added interface lo ip= bcast= netmask=
IPs: ['']
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lpcfg_servicenumber: couldn't find ldb
schema_fsmo_init: we are master[yes] updates allowed[no]
schema_fsmo_init: we are master[yes] updates allowed[no]
File "/usr/sbin/samba_dnsupdate", line 540, in <module>
c = parse_dns_line(line, {})
File "/usr/sbin/samba_dnsupdate", line 179, in parse_dns_line
return dnsobj(subline)
File "/usr/sbin/samba_dnsupdate", line 134, in __init__
raise Exception("Invalid DNS entry %r" % string_form)
Exception: Invalid DNS entry 'TDB file'
However, I'm not able to find "TDB file" in any of the files in

Am I looking in the wrong place? Or how can I delete this DNS entry?

Thank you very much,
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mathias dufresne
2016-07-27 12:40:47 UTC
Two files are hosting DNS data:
/path/to/private/sam.ldb.d/DC=DOMAINDNSZONES,DC=blabla.ldb and

DNS entries are sometimes (often? always?) base64 encoded. You should be
able to "grep" for string these files with:
ldbsearch --show-binary -H
/path/to/private/sam.ldb.d/DC=FORESTDNSZONES,DC=blabla.ldb | grep "what you
Post by Tim Dittler
when I run
samba_dnsupdate --verbose --all-names -d10
all: 10
tdb: 10
printdrivers: 10
lanman: 10
smb: 10
rpc_parse: 10
rpc_srv: 10
rpc_cli: 10
passdb: 10
sam: 10
auth: 10
winbind: 10
vfs: 10
idmap: 10
quota: 10
acls: 10
locking: 10
msdfs: 10
dmapi: 10
registry: 10
scavenger: 10
dns: 10
ldb: 10
lpcfg_load: refreshing parameters from /etc/samba/smb.conf
Processing section [retained]
pm_process() returned Yes
added interface brem1 ip= bcast=
added interface lo ip= bcast= netmask=
IPs: ['']
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lpcfg_servicenumber: couldn't find ldb
schema_fsmo_init: we are master[yes] updates allowed[no]
schema_fsmo_init: we are master[yes] updates allowed[no]
File "/usr/sbin/samba_dnsupdate", line 540, in <module>
c = parse_dns_line(line, {})
File "/usr/sbin/samba_dnsupdate", line 179, in parse_dns_line
return dnsobj(subline)
File "/usr/sbin/samba_dnsupdate", line 134, in __init__
raise Exception("Invalid DNS entry %r" % string_form)
Exception: Invalid DNS entry 'TDB file'
However, I'm not able to find "TDB file" in any of the files in
Am I looking in the wrong place? Or how can I delete this DNS entry?
Thank you very much,
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To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
mathias dufresne
2016-07-27 14:54:43 UTC
What would have better I reckon would have been to explain...

We should not _write_ directly into these files because, as Andrew
explained months ago, the change would not be replicated if applied
directly on these files. To have changes replicated the change MUST be
applied on sam.ldb file which is a wrapper.

Sharing or not sharing, that is the question : )
Post by mathias dufresne
/path/to/private/sam.ldb.d/DC=DOMAINDNSZONES,DC=blabla.ldb and
DNS entries are sometimes (often? always?) base64 encoded. You should be
ldbsearch --show-binary -H
/path/to/private/sam.ldb.d/DC=FORESTDNSZONES,DC=blabla.ldb | grep "what you
Post by Tim Dittler
when I run
samba_dnsupdate --verbose --all-names -d10
all: 10
tdb: 10
printdrivers: 10
lanman: 10
smb: 10
rpc_parse: 10
rpc_srv: 10
rpc_cli: 10
passdb: 10
sam: 10
auth: 10
winbind: 10
vfs: 10
idmap: 10
quota: 10
acls: 10
locking: 10
msdfs: 10
dmapi: 10
registry: 10
scavenger: 10
dns: 10
ldb: 10
lpcfg_load: refreshing parameters from /etc/samba/smb.conf
Processing section [retained]
pm_process() returned Yes
added interface brem1 ip= bcast=
added interface lo ip= bcast= netmask=
IPs: ['']
SID[ 0]: S-1-5-18
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lpcfg_servicenumber: couldn't find ldb
schema_fsmo_init: we are master[yes] updates allowed[no]
schema_fsmo_init: we are master[yes] updates allowed[no]
File "/usr/sbin/samba_dnsupdate", line 540, in <module>
c = parse_dns_line(line, {})
File "/usr/sbin/samba_dnsupdate", line 179, in parse_dns_line
return dnsobj(subline)
File "/usr/sbin/samba_dnsupdate", line 134, in __init__
raise Exception("Invalid DNS entry %r" % string_form)
Exception: Invalid DNS entry 'TDB file'
However, I'm not able to find "TDB file" in any of the files in
Am I looking in the wrong place? Or how can I delete this DNS entry?
Thank you very much,
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instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
I wouldn't suggest doing this, unless things have changed, you shouldn't
directly act on the .ldb files stored in sam.ldb.d
ldbsearch --show-binary --cross-ncs -H /path/to/sam.ldb | grep 'whatever'
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instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
Tim Dittler
2016-07-28 13:57:25 UTC
So no one has an idea what I can try additionally?

Post by mathias dufresne
What would have better I reckon would have been to explain...
We should not _write_ directly into these files because, as Andrew
explained months ago, the change would not be replicated if applied
directly on these files. To have changes replicated the change MUST be
applied on sam.ldb file which is a wrapper.
Sharing or not sharing, that is the question : )
Post by mathias dufresne
/path/to/private/sam.ldb.d/DC=DOMAINDNSZONES,DC=blabla.ldb and
DNS entries are sometimes (often? always?) base64 encoded. You should be
ldbsearch --show-binary -H
/path/to/private/sam.ldb.d/DC=FORESTDNSZONES,DC=blabla.ldb | grep "what you
Post by Tim Dittler
when I run
samba_dnsupdate --verbose --all-names -d10
all: 10
tdb: 10
printdrivers: 10
lanman: 10
smb: 10
rpc_parse: 10
rpc_srv: 10
rpc_cli: 10
passdb: 10
sam: 10
auth: 10
winbind: 10
vfs: 10
idmap: 10
quota: 10
acls: 10
locking: 10
msdfs: 10
dmapi: 10
registry: 10
scavenger: 10
dns: 10
ldb: 10
lpcfg_load: refreshing parameters from /etc/samba/smb.conf
Processing section [retained]
pm_process() returned Yes
added interface brem1 ip= bcast=
added interface lo ip= bcast= netmask=
IPs: ['']
SID[ 0]: S-1-5-18
Privilege[ 0]: SeMachineAccountPrivilege
Privilege[ 1]: SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege
Privilege[ 2]: SeBackupPrivilege
Privilege[ 3]: SeRestorePrivilege
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lpcfg_servicenumber: couldn't find ldb
schema_fsmo_init: we are master[yes] updates allowed[no]
schema_fsmo_init: we are master[yes] updates allowed[no]
File "/usr/sbin/samba_dnsupdate", line 540, in <module>
c = parse_dns_line(line, {})
File "/usr/sbin/samba_dnsupdate", line 179, in parse_dns_line
return dnsobj(subline)
File "/usr/sbin/samba_dnsupdate", line 134, in __init__
raise Exception("Invalid DNS entry %r" % string_form)
Exception: Invalid DNS entry 'TDB file'
However, I'm not able to find "TDB file" in any of the files in
Am I looking in the wrong place? Or how can I delete this DNS entry?
Thank you very much,
To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
I wouldn't suggest doing this, unless things have changed, you shouldn't
directly act on the .ldb files stored in sam.ldb.d
ldbsearch --show-binary --cross-ncs -H /path/to/sam.ldb | grep 'whatever'
To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
Tim Dittler
2016-07-29 14:01:50 UTC
Post by Tim Dittler
So no one has an idea what I can try additionally?
What OS
# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
Release: 14.04
Codename: trusty
What version of Samba
# samba-tool --version
What is in smb.conf
workgroup = example
realm = NIX1.example.IO
netbios name = DC01NIX1example
# cnames

netbios aliases = srv example

interfaces = brem1 lo
# leave for dnsmasq
# without this option starting dnsmasq on will not work
bind interfaces only = Yes
server role = active directory domain controller

# file access / rights stuff
vfs objects = acl_xattr
map acl inherit = yes
store dos attributes = yes
inherit acls = yes
inherit permissions = yes
acl group control = yes
create mask = 770
directory mask = 770

# dnsmasq
dns forwarder =

# lock handling
reset on zero vc = yes

# winbind related stuff
idmap_ldb:use rfc2307 = yes
template homedir = /srv/samba/home/%U

spoolss: architecture = Windows x64
#rpc_server:spoolss = external
#rpc_daemon:spoolssd = fork

allow dns updates = nonsecure

# feeded by shares module
include = /etc/samba/shares.conf

path = /var/lib/samba/sysvol/nix1.example.io/scripts
read only = No

path = /var/lib/samba/sysvol
read only = No
What is in /etc/krb5.conf
default_realm = NIX1.example.IO
dns_lookup_realm = false
dns_lookup_kdc = true
What is in /etc/hosts localhost dc01nix1example.nix1.example.io dc01nix1example dc01nix1example.nix1.example.io dc01nix1example

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
# ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
# ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
# ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
What is in /etc/resolv.conf
search nix1.example.io example.io abc0.example.io

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instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
Data Control Systems - Mike Elkevizth
2016-07-29 16:38:10 UTC
I would also stop Network Manager using dnsmasq.
I've found the easiest way to do that is to edit the NetworkManager.conf

sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf

Comment out the dns line of the file:

Change dns=dnsmasq to #dns=dnsmasq

Restart the Network Manager service:

sudo service network-manager restart

Mike E.
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Tim Dittler
2016-08-03 08:47:10 UTC
Dear Roland,

Thank you for your help and sorry for the late reply.

If I understand you correctly, you ask me to drop dnsmasq from the config.
I believe, dnsmasq is necessary for our setup, since it is used to
forward queries about different domains to different DNS servers.
Also, the exact same setup is working fine on similar networks, without
giving the "TDB file" error.

Do you have another idea?

Best regards,

PS: NetworkManager is not running on the Ubuntu Server system.
Does the DC have a fixed ip and if not, why not.
If it does have a fixed ip, what is it
Once you answer these, I will advise you how to fix your set up
OK, this is what I would change on your setup, but I would also make
backups before changing anything.
workgroup = example
realm = NIX1.example.IO
netbios name = DC01NIX1example
interfaces = brem1 lo
bind interfaces only = Yes
server role = active directory domain controller
idmap_ldb:use rfc2307 = yes
template homedir = /srv/samba/home/%U
dns forwarder =
# lock handling
reset on zero vc = yes
spoolss: architecture = Windows x64
#rpc_server:spoolss = external
#rpc_daemon:spoolssd = fork
allow dns updates = nonsecure
# feeded by shares module
include = /etc/samba/shares.conf
path = /var/lib/samba/sysvol/nix1.example.io/scripts
read only = No
path = /var/lib/samba/sysvol
read only = No
/etc/hosts localhost dc01nix1example.nix1.example.io dc01nix1example
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
# ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
# ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
# ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
search nix1.example.io
I would also stop Network Manager using dnsmasq.
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