[Samba] Authentication Auditing
Arthur Ramsey
2016-07-13 04:07:04 UTC

I'm looking for a way to log the following attributes for all
authentication activity (LDAP bind, Kerberos, SMB / CIFS, etc.).

I would like to see:

* Principle name (user name)
* Source IP
* Timestamp (including at least seconds if not milliseconds)
* Authentication result (success / failure)
* Reason for failure: bad password, account lockout, account expired,
password expired, etc.

I believe vfs_full_audit can take care of CIFS activity (without failure
reason?). The samba logs at level >= 3 show Kerberos authentication
result, principle name, timestamp and reason for failure, but not source
IP. I cannot find any way to monitor LDAP bind, which is the most
important in my case. Though I doubt I'm alone: LDAP authentication
seems to be the most popular choice for integrating with Active
Directory, but esp. with Samba domain controller.

I cannot connect with Event Viewer as documentation suggests I can. I
get an error, "The procedure number is out of range(1745)". No
corresponds errors observed at server side.

I searched man pages, wiki and mailing lists, but didn't find any solution.

Certainly a lack of auditing ability is a significant barrier to
enterprise adoption of Samba based domain controllers?



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2016-07-13 09:34:21 UTC
name, timestamp and reason for failure, but not source IP. I cannot
find any way to monitor LDAP bind, which is the most important in my
case. Though I doubt I'm alone: LDAP authentication seems to be the
most popular choice for integrating with Active Directory, but esp. with
Samba domain controller.
You are definitely not the only one missing this! It was requested
several times, lately.

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Arthur Ramsey
2016-07-13 14:11:56 UTC
I browsed the source and it doesn't seem that hard to add some auditing
for LDAP bind using the normal log file though I didn't see a easy way
to get the source IP, which renders it pretty useless for me. Otherwise
I'd try to write a patch though I'm not familiar with C / C++.

Has any samba developer commented on it in the past? I don't see
anything for it in the bug tracker.


Post by mj
name, timestamp and reason for failure, but not source IP. I cannot
find any way to monitor LDAP bind, which is the most important in my
case. Though I doubt I'm alone: LDAP authentication seems to be the
most popular choice for integrating with Active Directory, but esp. with
Samba domain controller.
You are definitely not the only one missing this! It was requested
several times, lately.
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