Carlos A. P. Cunha
2016-06-14 15:59:15 UTC
Own two Dcs Samba 4.4, this all OK, but ids are different:
Example DC2:
id tr005
uid = 3000039 (TESTELOCAL \ tr005) gid = 100 (users) groups = 100
(users), 3000039 (TESTELOCAL \ tr005), 3,000,009 (BUILTIN \ users)
Example DC2:
id tr005
uid = 3000023 (TESTELOCAL \ tr005) gid = 100 (users) groups = 100
(users), 3000023 (TESTELOCAL \ tr005), 3,000,001 (BUILTIN \ users)
My smb.conf is the same in both:
# Global parameters
workgroup = TESTELOCAL
netbios name = SAMBADC-01
server role = active directory domain controller
server services = s3fs, rpc, NBT, wrepl, ldap, CLDAP, kdc, drepl,
winbindd, ntp_signd, kcc, dnsupdate
idmap_ldb: use RFC2307 = yes
path = /opt/samba/var/locks/sysvol/testelocal.interno/scripts
read only = No
path = / opt / samba / var / locks / sysvol
read only = No
The doubt is this and problem?
If yes, how to fix?
Thank you
Own two Dcs Samba 4.4, this all OK, but ids are different:
Example DC2:
id tr005
uid = 3000039 (TESTELOCAL \ tr005) gid = 100 (users) groups = 100
(users), 3000039 (TESTELOCAL \ tr005), 3,000,009 (BUILTIN \ users)
Example DC2:
id tr005
uid = 3000023 (TESTELOCAL \ tr005) gid = 100 (users) groups = 100
(users), 3000023 (TESTELOCAL \ tr005), 3,000,001 (BUILTIN \ users)
My smb.conf is the same in both:
# Global parameters
workgroup = TESTELOCAL
netbios name = SAMBADC-01
server role = active directory domain controller
server services = s3fs, rpc, NBT, wrepl, ldap, CLDAP, kdc, drepl,
winbindd, ntp_signd, kcc, dnsupdate
idmap_ldb: use RFC2307 = yes
path = /opt/samba/var/locks/sysvol/testelocal.interno/scripts
read only = No
path = / opt / samba / var / locks / sysvol
read only = No
The doubt is this and problem?
If yes, how to fix?
Thank you
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