[Samba] Active Directory Replication Status Tool From Microsoft
2015-02-18 20:14:41 UTC

Using this tool on a Samba 4.1.16 forest I get the following two

DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=domain,DC=local NamingContext 1 Failed
Discovery: Property 'msds-sdreferencedomain' does not exist.

DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=domain,DC=local NamingContext 1 Failed
Discovery: Property 'msds-sdreferencedomain' does not exist.

Replication does indeed work as I can verify using samba tools. I see
reference to the 'msds-sdreferencedomain' in the Samba wiki under Task
DSDB#02. It appears further development is needed on this front. Has
this been addressed in 4.1.2? Thanks.
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Thomas Maerz
2016-06-24 21:25:20 UTC
I know this is an old ‘thread’ but if you want to use the Microsoft AD Replication Status Tool, you need to add the DN of your domain to those two cross reference entries because Samba4 does not do that for some reason.

Here’s a link on how to do it with RSAT: https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/active-directory-cookbook/0596004648/ch17s09.html <https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/active-directory-cookbook/0596004648/ch17s09.html>

After I did this the AD Replication Status Tool started working.

Thomas Maerz
Network/Systems Administrator
Brewer Science, Inc.
***@brewerscience.com <mailto:***@brewerscience.com>
work: 573-364-0444 x1402
cell: 573-612-1349

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Post by James
Using this tool on a Samba 4.1.16 forest I get the following two errors.
DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=domain,DC=local NamingContext 1 Failed Discovery: Property 'msds-sdreferencedomain' does not exist.
DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=domain,DC=local NamingContext 1 Failed Discovery: Property 'msds-sdreferencedomain' does not exist.
Replication does indeed work as I can verify using samba tools. I see reference to the 'msds-sdreferencedomain' in the Samba wiki under Task DSDB#02. It appears further development is needed on this front. Has this been addressed in 4.1.2? Thanks.
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To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
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2016-06-27 13:58:15 UTC
Post by Thomas Maerz
I know this is an old ‘thread’ but if you want to use the Microsoft AD
Replication Status Tool, you need to add the DN of your domain to
those two cross reference entries because Samba4 does not do that for
some reason.
After I did this the AD Replication Status Tool started working.
Thomas Maerz
Network/Systems Administrator
Brewer Science, Inc.
work: 573-364-0444 x1402
This message (and any of its attachments) is intended for the
addressee and may contain confidential information, may be
attorney-client privileged, and may constitute inside or non-public
information under federal or state laws. Unauthorized use of this
information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have
received this email transmission in error, please immediately notify
the sender by return email, delete the email and any attachments, and
empty any folders containing the discarded information.
Post by James
Using this tool on a Samba 4.1.16 forest I get the following two errors.
DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=domain,DC=local NamingContext 1 Failed
Discovery: Property 'msds-sdreferencedomain' does not exist.
DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=domain,DC=local NamingContext 1 Failed
Discovery: Property 'msds-sdreferencedomain' does not exist.
Replication does indeed work as I can verify using samba tools. I see
reference to the 'msds-sdreferencedomain' in the Samba wiki under
Task DSDB#02. It appears further development is needed on this front.
Has this been addressed in 4.1.2? Thanks.
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I have since found this out and added what you have linked. Are you
by chance using a domain that ends in .local? I've seen Windows DC's
fail to add this attribute as well if using .local.
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