Unfortunately, there are other restrictions which disallow the use of
macros in the active directory code, so it wouldn't be as simple as that.
Thanks Denis for suggesting metze's branch. That might actually be the
most appropriate way to solve this issue. Although there have been other
ways of syncing passwords in the past, none of them are currently
compatible with active directory. You'd have to do perform some form of
migration, but that shouldn't be too difficult with the existing
plaintext passwords.
Metze has unfortunately been waiting for this to be merged for a while,
hopefully I can get this sped up.
Post by Fonteneau Simoninteresting !
Let me take a closer look at that.
I must send passwords in Office 365 and Google Apps.
Currently, My script works but it requires that Samba is configured
with the "Plain text Password" option. I want to change that.
"Check password script" could solve my problem.
"http://ltb-project.org/wiki/documentation/self-service-password" with
" post hook" solves my problem currently.
Check password script = /script/scriptpassword.sh %U
I will also see what offers me the patch of Garming Sam.
Simon https://blog.lesfourmisduweb.org
Post by Denis CardonHi Simon,
Post by b***@lesfourmisduweb.orgYes it could be interesting.
I want to use it to send the password has an API for other software. I
currently use the "Store passwords using reversible encryption" to use
my API. But I do not like this operation. I then use
"http://ltb-project.org/wiki/documentation/self-service-password" with
the " post hook"
If your need is to have a ssha/cryptsha256/512 hash of the user
password for third party apps authentication, you may take a look at
the patch of metze [1], it seems to do just that.
Post by b***@lesfourmisduweb.orgYour patch it allows you also to retrieve the user name ?
Thank you verry much !
Post by g***@catalyst.net.nzCurrently the functionality is not implemented in active directory (I also
mistakenly thought it was, until I was corrected). Fortunately, I recently
implemented it as a result of someone else raising it. It is still lacking
some testing and needs some more work to be integrated upstream however. I
should be able to supply the patches I have so far in the next week or so
if you're interested.
Post by b***@lesfourmisduweb.orgHi
Yes, active directory
Post by Garming SamHi,
Are you running Samba active directory?
Post by b***@lesfourmisduweb.orgHello
I Can not run a "check password script" in smb.conf
Somebody can you tell me if this is depecated?
I find nothing in the official documentation.
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