cat /usr/local/samba/etc/smb.conf:
# Eintraege fuer das ActiveDirectory Samba4 workgroup = SAMDOM
realm =SAMDOM.LOCAL security = ADS # Alle Template
Einstellungen kommen direkt aus der AD # Die Shell ist nur aus
Sicherheitsgruenden hier eingetragen template shell = /bin/false
kerberos method = secrets and keytab dedicated keytab file =
/etc/krb5.keytab # Auswaehlen der Domain ist hier nicht noetig,
da default domain die Workgroup nimmt # Offline Logon ist aus.
Einschalten macht nur bei Mobilengeraeten sinn winbind use
default domain = true winbind offline logon = false
#--authconfig--end-line-- server string = Samba %v on %h
local master = No # --------------------------- Logging Options
----------------------------- # # Log File let you specify
where to put logs and how to split them up. # # Max Log Size
let you specify the max size log files should reach # logs
split per machine log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m
# max 500KB per log file, then rotate max log size
= 500 log level = 1 # Use settings from AD for login
shell and home directory winbind nss info = rfc2307
winbind refresh tickets = yes winbind cache time = 300
winbind trusted domains only = no winbind enum
users = yes winbind enum groups = yes winbind expand
groups = 4 # Important: The ranges of the default (*) idmap
config # and the domain(s) must not overlap! #
Default idmap config used for BUILTIN and local accounts/groups
idmap config *:backend = tdb idmap config *:range =
1000000-1100000 # idmap config for domain SAMDOM
idmap config IAS:backend = ad idmap config IAS:schema_mode =
rfc2307 idmap config IAS:range = 500-999999 #
Caching auf 5 Minuten fuer Gids/Uids einrichten idmap cache
time = 300 idmap negative cache time = 1 #
--------------------------- Printer Options
----------------------------- load printers = no #
--------------------------- Filesystem Options
--------------------------- unix charset = UTF8 dos
charset = 850 # Fuer Dateien # u-x g-x o-rwx create mask
= 0660 # ug+rw (SVN) force create mode = 0660 # Fuer
Verzeichnisse directory mask = 0770 force directory mode
= 0770 # Mappings der Speziellen Dateien unter Windows map
archive = no map hidden = no map read only =
Permissions map system = no # Verhalten von Samba
gegenueber von Speziellen Dateien wide links = no
blocking locks = no delete veto files = yes hide
files = /.*/desktop.ini/.DS_Store/ hide special files = yes
delete readonly = yes vfs objects = acl_xattr map
acl inherit = yes store dos attributes = yes #
--------------------------- Share Definitions
Post by Daniel ThielkingHi,
know I have another problem. I compiled samba 4.4.4 on a Centos 7.2
Server no special options for ./configure.
Afterwards I followed the article from mentioned below wiki article
below, to join Centos 7.2 as an member server to our existing AD.
Now, if i type id USERNAME I only get the users UID, GID and only the
GID as the supplementary Group no more groups are showing up. What
have I missed?
Thanks Guys
Can you please post your smb.conf from the domain member.
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